How it works

How it works

It's very important to understand how this system works, because the better you understand it the more likely you are to get some great revenue!

How it works

Earning Coins

You can earn coins by watching short videos and even by inviting your friends to join.

Watch short videos
Our partners are looking to get spread their promotional videos (and not only) to the world, so you can get coins by watching those videos.
Share and spread the word
Once you're signed up to our website you'll receive a special link that you can give out to friends, post on social networks or email. If anybody clicks this and signs up, you will receive up to 10% from his coins earned on our website, for lifetime.

What are those coins?

Coin = virtual currency used on our website, which can be earned from different activites and can be converted in real cash, paid thru one of our payment methods.

How to get paid by converting coins?

After you have enough coins (minimum withdrawal is $1.00, which means 1,000.00 coins), go to withdrawal page, chose the amount of coins you want to convert and your desired payment method and place a request. We will check the request and send the money in up to 7 working days.